How it works

Unique QR

Our unique QR codes reveal brand new, item-level insights whenever they’re scanned. Use our tags to trace every product’s journey from checkout to disposal, with all that data organised in a simple dashboard that updates in real time. And because our unique codes support QR experiences when they’re scanned by consumers, they enable personalised rewards, product-specific campaigns, and digital deposit return schemes that make recycling even more rewarding for your customers.

QR code

Use cases

Recycling rewards, made simple

With our unique-every-time QR codes, it’s easy to trace each unique product’s path through the supply chain. Leveraging the same technology as our QR codes, identifying where and when individual products are scanned, our unique codes add a digital fingerprint to each label. And with Polytag’s user-friendly platform, you can uncover new product strategies, enable new sustainability campaigns, and curate new, QR-driven experiences for your customers.

Digital Deposit Return Schemes

Incentivise recycling by assigning every label a deposit that your customers can redeem with a simple scan.

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Product Authentication

Pinpoint where your products are in the supply chain, verifying their authenticity every time they’re scanned.

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Rewards for Recycling

Transform recycling into a key brand interaction, with unique QR codes sending customers to your curated rewards pages.

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Digital Product Passport

Generate never-before-seen data on the composition and disposal of your products, pioneering your place in the circular economy.

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GS1 Standards

Who is GS1?

Who is GS1?

GS1 sets global standards for product identification systems such as the barcode and the QR code, ensuring interoperability and consistency across every link in the supply chain.

Complete Certainty

Complete Certainty

QR codes powered by GS1 can contain a unique serial number that guarantees that one scan is one purchase. This eliminates the risk of fraudulent scans and helps you leverage QR technology with confidence.

Digital Deposit Return Schemes

Digital Deposit Return Schemes

GS1 Digital Link enables brands to embed serial numbers in QR codes to make each code unique. This feature is fundamental to Digital Deposit Return Schemes (DDRS), which assign a deposit to each unique code for customers to redeem when recycling via a simple scan.

Product Traceability

Product Traceability

Because GS1-approved QR codes can contain serial numbers, batch numbers, and expiration dates, every scan helps you trace your inventory from farm to fork. Use this never-before-seen data to support stock control processes and to rapidly respond to food safety incidents.

Why Polytag QR?

Leave a fingerprint on every product

QR code differential: Fraud-proof technology

Fraud-proof technology

By making every label truly one-of-a-kind, our unique QR codes are risk-free and protected from fraudulent activity - giving you the peace of mind to develop generous loyalty schemes, offer membership benefits, and reward every act of recycling.

QR code differential: Digital Deposit Return Scheme

Digital Deposit Return Scheme

Polytag provides everything you need to spearhead the future of deposit returns. From our secure tag and trace technology to our user-friendly insights dashboard, we help you track products from production to kerbside.

QR code differential: Meaningful marketing

Meaningful marketing

Communicate directly with everyone who scans a Polytag code, using each brand-new interaction to better inform consumers, grow closer to your customer, and add a new dimension to competitions, rewards, and recycling initiatives.

QR code differential: Product authentication

Product authentication

Our unique QR codes serve to verify the authenticity of your products, strengthening your anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft approaches and building consumer confidence in your brand.

Case study

Polytag use cases

  • Use case icon

    Digital deposit return schemes

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    Customer communication

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    Sustainability communication

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    Tracking and analytics

Technical partnerships

Hassle-free integrations



Polytag is integrated with the software and hardware operated by leading printers and converters. Our partnered printers and converters simply request codes from Polytag, produce the labels, and return a confirmation of exactly which serialised code was printed onto which product packaging.



Polytag has secure API integrations with a number of third-party apps. These apps are able to scan Polytag unique QR codes, check their authenticity, and manage customer claims. Polytag immediately updates the serialised code status, ensuring that rewards can only be claimed once.


Billing design

Get started for free

Embrace circularity with our serialised, unique-every-time QR codes. Get ahead of the curve.

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