Recently, Rosa Knox-Bradley, Project Manager at Polytag, went along to the RECOUP Plastic Resource and Recycling Conference 2023 – the not-to-be-missed event within the plastics recycling value chain.

The conference brought the wider industry together to connect and learn from each other as we collectively advocate for sustainability in plastic. It gave SMEs and pioneers like us a chance to rub shoulders with NGOs and government officials to share solutions that are disrupting the status quo, motivating us for the changing future as we work towards a sustainable future. A big thanks to everyone who came along to our stand.

We would like to extend our congratulations to everyone who took home well-deserved accolades and recognition at the Awards Ceremony. It was inspiring to be in a room filled with the crème de la crème of the industry all demonstrating expert innovation and positive hope for the future.

We hope to see everyone again next year!